8 Easy Stretches to Manage "Text Neck"

8 Easy Stretches to Manage "Text Neck"

iPhone. iPad. iHunch.

It's more than likely you're reading this on your phone or tablet. It's also more than likely you're unknowingly adding pounds of pressure to your neck as you bend your head forward, looking down at your Apple or Samsung (or whichever multinational company you think is the best) device! These "smartphones" allow unprecedented productivity and connectivity, but we, the users, need to be smarter when we use them.

Gravity doesn't care what device you use, what social media sites you visit, or what games you play, and the more you bend your neck forward to look at your phone, the more pressure you place on your neck. In fact, when you bend your neck forward just 30° (doesn't seem like much, right?), you're adding an additional 40 pounds of extra weight. FORTY POUNDS. That's like carrying a 5 gallon jug of water, or a standard size microwave, on your head! This probably isn't the best idea.


Smartphones and tablets aren't going anywhere, so we're going to have to find better, more neck-friendly ways to use them. Here are three easy ways to help manage Text Neck

1) Improve Your Posture >> A simple way to help prevent neck pain associated with these devices is (obviously!) not to bend your neck forward. This, of course, is easier said than done. Looking at your phone while sitting at your desk? Lean on your elbows, bringing your phone to eye level, allowing you to keep you neck in its neutral position!

2) Limit Your Screen Time >> Taking breaks from screen time is also important. Try and employ the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take 20 seconds to look away from your phone (or any screen, for that matter) and try and look 20 feet ahead (or as far as you can!).

3) Stretching >> There are also great neck stretches you can do to help prevent and mitigate the effects of text neck (and neck pain in general). Give them a try! The Chin Tuck and Suboccipital Stretch are two of my personal favourites!

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